Title: Fill My Heart by Rose Japii
Highly Anointed Worship Minister and Gospel Artiste, “Rose Japii“ releases a brand new worship song titled: Fill My Heart
“Fill My Heart” is a fusion of contemporary and full orchestration that calls for revival as we seek God.
Seeking his face in total worship. The masterpiece was produced by Dr. Tim
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Lyrics: Fill My Heart by Rose Japii
Verse 1
Pour out Your Spirit now
Pour out Your Spirit now
In this hour oh God. Let it flow.
Over our souls dear God.
I see a moving revival oh Lord
Fill my heart with fire.
Oh oh oh Baba Oh. Fill my heart x2
Arise, now is the hour. Arise
Lord arise. This is the hour. Arise
Let God arise with signs and miracles. Arise
Now, we declare total restoration. Arise
Lord arise. This is the hour. Arise
Lord arise. This is the hour. Arise
Jesus arise, with signs and miracles. Arise
Lord we declare with authority and power. Arise
The End
Connect with Rose: @rosejapii